To be honest...
Welcome to the newest series on the blog, where I offer up the real, awkward, less social-media worthy parts of myself. Feel free to connect, reflect and be entirely yourself.
Leave comments, your voice is encouraged.
To be honest: the start of something new...
Happy 2018 friends! Amongst all the newness being sprinkled over yourselves right now, you may be thinking: what does thelonglimbedlady have to offer me that's new? Why, a funky fresh new blog series of course...
TBH...I feel like a perpetual mess
Do you feel the same? No, I'm being serious, comment below if you do. Now 'perpetually' may be a slight overstatement; there are times when I'm like 'damn look at me having my ish together'. But equally there are lots of times (most of the time) when I do not...
TBH... I feel threatened by girls who are prettier than me.
Some confessions make you look adorably imperfect. And some make you look ugly and potentially narcissistic. I think this may be one of those...
TBH...I'm tired of losing.
No really, I am. I want to be #winning at life, but I self-sabotage and this is the story of why...
TBH...sometimes i feel a way when i see black guys with white/light girls.
In today’s society we’re all about diversity and BOOOO to inequality whilst at the same time we're building an army of black girl magic, applying for our Wakandan passports and then there's Prez Trump. It's all a bit conflicting...