
The longlimbedlady is a blog written by me, a lady with long limbs on the quest for freedom (found in knowing and being who I really am) and great fashion (that actually fits my longer body). I see the need for fashion to run in two new directions: Tall and Deep.

My blog runs on this equation: honesty = truth = freedom

Workings: Honesty and vulnerability will bring you to what’s true about yourself. Then comes the terrifying part: walking in it. By this, I mean actually living out who you really are. My hunch follows that if you do this enough times, the terror fades a little with each step and you can actually become free. That walk that had you sweating and your knees knocking together transforms into that light bouncy kind of walk. You know like the one you do where you’re listening to your song whilst walking down the street and you really want to dance but you can’t fully commit to that in public so you put the rhythm into your steps instead.

That freedom is contentment with, and heck, even excitement to be yourself. That freedom strips off painful insecurities and the burden of needing to be like someone else, like the raggedy old clothing that it is.

So that’s it. That’s the grand plan for myself and this blog: to unveil my true self, be it every day and help others do the same. Are you curious? Why not stick around for the journey.


Growing up, I’ve been uncomfortable quite a lot with who I am. And being uncomfortable in yourself is a bummer, it just holds you back. It’s like trying to run your best 100m sprint in a pair of jeans that don’t fit. Life is too short and too incredible an opportunity to be running through it in denim. Just imagine the chaffing.

Why fashion? Because I like nice clothes. I want to find them and wear them. Bit anti-climatic, but there you go.