TBH I Feel Like A Perpetual Mess (ft. some knee high boots).

Okay guys, grab a cuppa, let's talk.

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Do you feel the same? No, I'm being serious, comment below if you do. Now 'perpetually' may be a slight overstatement; there are times when I'm like 'damn look at me having my ish together'. But equally there are lots of times (most of the time) when I do not. Always running late to events or to meet people, taking FOREVER to get simple things done, having the memory of a goldfish, setting and resetting the same goals that I don't reach because I lack discipline and the list goes on. And I'll be real guys, I recognise the untidiness of my life (and bedroom), I see it crystal clear. In this social media driven world being a potato is not cute. Being a boss lady on the path to world domination is what's in, it is the new black so to speak.

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And so I plan a comeback or two or three after letting some talk or person hype me, only to shortly come right back to the disorganised space I have somehow made home. Like Stella, I want to really get my groove back, or just getting a groove to start with would be nice.

The fustration of feeling messy can lead to 'screw it,I can’t do this', which is the point I get to AT LEAST once a month. The 'woe is me' wave gets old pretty quick though so you can't ride it for long; a potato was never made to surf after all. So now that I've identified the problem (and possibly you, if you can relate) what the heck are we going to do about it???

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I was watching a sermon by the funniest guy ever (big up Michael Todd!) in which he was saying that we often feel like we have to be in a certain place by a certain time and move through life at a certain speed. It's like if you're not 'here' wherever here may be, you need to fix up, step up and do all other necessary ups so you can catch up, which I would say is a pretty accurate description of myself. I see superwomen who are sprinting down a road to success that I can't even seem to find. 

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But then he said something I actually learnt and forgot a while ago from the Disney film 'Meet The Robinsons' which was: keep moving forward. Whether you're walking, running or even bum shuffling along the floor; no matter how fast, slow or unimpressive your speed is to others, keep it moving b.

So friends, I think that may be my comeback plan from now on. Rather than bouncing into perfection with full force, it's going to be a sometimes slow but meaningful progression towards awesomeness. Maybe not superwoman but a fiiiiine woman with the mental strength to keep moving even when plans are admittedly far from cushty (I miss that word...).

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I'll be putting out some tips on how I plan to keep moving forward over the next week on my Instagram story @thelonglimbedlady, so keep an eye out.


Now for the 'fit. How cute are theeeese! My friend said over-the-knee-highs are prostitute boots LOL but I think they're sexy as, and classy if you wear them appropriately. They're also slim fit which I welcome with open arms. I've always struggled to find boots that stay up because of my slim legs. If you've ever felt or been told you're too thin or stick-like tall girls, this is your chance for vengeance. 

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I can't lie, I regret the furry jumper even being involved in this shindig, there was just no need. But the rest of the outfit, I like and apparently so did the guy who tried to disrupt my shoot just to get my number from inside his car *rolls eyes*. Keep scrolling for outfit details. 

Thank you to everyone who has recently complimented me on my blogging seriousness and consistency, you've been quite wrong but I hope to start slowly proving you right! 

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Outfit Details:

  • ASOS Tailored A-Line Mini Skirt with Scallop Hem- £20. Click here. I wore a size 10 but it was big around the waist.

  • ASOS KATCHER Heeled Over The Knee Boots- £30. Click here. I find the boots come up a bit small, so I had to order a size up from my usual. Also they come in half sizes!

  • Bird shirt from Topshop that I can no longer find on the website.

  • Furry bomber jacket from h&m. I got this last year.

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