Back to School

I started back at uni for a new term at the beginning of February and I was very aware of the mindset I was heading into it with: do better, work harder. I've noticed I start off every new academic season in the same way. I tell myself that THIS TERM I am going to be the perfect student,0% fun 100% library, I don't need no friends so let's do this.

I'm sure you can already guess that this DOES NOT WORK. Generally, when you run into one thing like that, you're running away from other equally important things in your life: like your friends, keeping fit, other hobbies you might have and sometimes for me, God.


I only tend to run when I'm stressed or worried. It's like a reflex action. I'm worried because I can't keep up at uni, so I start a light jog. What am I going to do in the future? I pick up the pace a little. Will I find a good guy? Huffing and puffing now. Someone disappoints me or hurts me...and I'm in a full-on sprint now to the library or the gym or my bedroom. It sounds funny reading it, particularly as someone who doesn't like running all that much, but it's what I do. I run till I'm in a place by myself and I have a feeling I'm not the only one who does this.


After this mad busy week, I've realised the importance of balance. I need to know when to push through and study hard and when to just flop down on my bed and surrender to the day for an hour or two. When to be around people and support them and when to close your door and take several moments for yourself.

Why did I come to this realisation? Because even though last week was so productive for me and great, I felt like I was just working my way through a list of chores, with a few happy unexpected moments here and there. Whereas life is too short and too sweet for days and years full of just lists of chores.

Sometimes it's good to take the pressure off. I do that a lot through my outfits, putting together something I feel really good in. I went for a chic school girl type of look with a bit of attitude because well that was me in school (although not so chic).


This cute little (and I really do mean little) grey dress is from H&M. I love how it sits on me, fits pretty much like a glove. I've had it for ages but only recently am I liking it again, particularly the black collar. It's a small part but really adds to the dress I think.


My cheeky suspender-style tights are from New Look. I've never had the balls to wear these kind of tights but I thought why not give it a go. I think it jazzed up the outfit sufficiently and I felt hella cute in it, I can't lie.


And I topped it off with my long-lost-but-recently-found pink coat and River Island nude satchel. The coat is perfect thickness for spring, which although it is definitely not yet, I shot this look on a freakishly nice sunny day in Brighton so it worked out perfectly.


Maybe try and find whatever it is that restores peace to your mind when things are getting a bit much. Your body and mind will thank you for it later.
