Wide-leg trousers, Tall Girl friend or foe?

Wide-leg trousers are all the rage right now as we usher the 70s era back in with open arms. But how does this trend work when you're a tall girl? Read on below.


These are definitely the kind of trousers that make a statement, the ones that say 'Hey world look at me! Aren't I faaaabulous?' When I first showed my sister she said they look like clown pants, which I can't lie I can see where she's coming from. But in a way I still really like them, fashion is about being a bit wacky and artsy sometimes if you choose, wearing something your future self might look at and say 'what the heck??'. 


Can you see that bit of ruching? Yep that's one of the few downsides of their trousers. They're made of thick velvet and their roomy so the crotch hangs quite low (at least for me it did) so you might get that baggy saggy effect which I'm sure no-one is aiming for around their area... So for trousers like these its important to get your right size, I order a 10 which ended up coming up big on me.


Now let's talk about these trousers' USP: their length. These are hands down the longest trousers I have seen let alone been in. When I saw this wide-leg trend kick-off online, which was probably after you had all seen it, I'm not very on the ball when it comes to trends ironically, I wanted to get involved but I really wanted a pair long enough. There's nothing sadder for me than short flares. So I found and purchased these from ASOS Tall, they were even a Tall Exclusive. I felt pretty damn smug about it too but ASOS got the last laugh, they're too long even for me and I'd say my body is about 75% leg. I envisioned wearing them day to day with converse but it seems I'm just not tall enough...


The waterfall effect looks great but I know that after a few wears with flats the bottoms will become dirty, frayed and gross from dragging on the floor. They're just about okay for me with heels (I'm 5"10 without) so if you're a heels girl and/or taller than 5'10, these may be the wide-leg trousers for you!


For the day I wore most of my hair down so that it draped nicely over my teeny-weeny white crop top. I really wanted to embrace the hippy dippy 70s vibes I was giving off. If only I'd had one of those gold arm cuffs I'd have been all set to hop into my VW van and travel around good old 'murica. Before you think I could never wear this in day to day life, YES YOU CAN. These trousers aren’t my usual style at all but here I am.


I’ve been to a few fashion events lately and the getting ready process for them has been quite stressful. I’ve been worrying about what to wear and what assumptions people will make about me when I do. This normally stops me from going all out but also being afraid to play it too safe as I don’t want to come off as boring- I know right, first world probs.


But all that stress, that’s on me. I’ve made fashion for myself a set of guidelines that must be adhered to at all costs. When really, lets strip things back, fashion is an art, it is a medium of self-expression. I don’t know about you but I want to go back to that Tall Girls, to being liberated and allowing myself to be any character I want to be for the day, whether that goes with my ‘usual’ style or not.


So my advice this week: be yourself and sometimes have the courage to not be yourself at all.



Outfit details:
