Tall Summer Edits: The Yellow Statement Piece.

This week's Tall Summer Edit pays homage to the colour of the season - yellow. Not always the easiest colour to work with, this post gives inspo on how to incorporate a bright yellow statement piece into a summery yet chic outfit for you beautiful Tall Girls!

This has been the summer of colour with the big and bold making a comeback in the form of yellow, red, orange and pink. My most favourite has to be yellow of course. It's bold, bright and makes me think of sunshine.

 Tall sections can be frustrating as they don't always take notice of trends the way normal sized sections do, so it can be hard to jump on incoming bandwagons. Even though I'm not a die-hard follower of trends, it's nice to see something big at the moment that you like and be able to be a part of it.

Shorts are a great way to get involved in clothing that isn't tall-specific. These pair from H&M are great because they look great on any length of leg. I love a good pair of shorts on long legs but they also look incredibly cute on average and shorter legs too. The cut of material gives the limbs an illusion of extension for sure. Shout out to the Tall Girls with beautiful longer torsos, not everyone has mile long legs and that's okay.

The length of the shorts themselves are perfect! As I said in my previous post I don't do bum bum shorts. Having to dig out a wedgie every time I stand up after sitting just isn't okay for me. I'm all about comfortable fashion, including the kind that doesn't expose me without my consent.

These are long enough so that they can easily be worn high-waisted and still drop to a perfect length on your thigh. The material is also super silky and comfortable, the only down side being that it does wrinkle kind of easily.

I paired the shorts with a black t-shirt, because the shorts were honestly too comfortable for me to then go and squeeze into my white shirt. T-shirts with fancy shorts also create a perfect balance of casual chic. 

I got this top in from Topshop in the January sales (from the normal section), the mesh and black ruffles drew me in. I'm not even just saying this because I love Topshop, but Tall Girls it is sooo comfy! I don't know what material it is on the inside but it's like something soft giving you a hug! And it fits really well too, not too tight and not too loose. 

The duffle bag is an oldie from Primark. Now even though I make a conscious effort not to shop there anymore, I do have to say, it has surprisingly stood the test of time. I bought it about two years ago for £10 to use as a weekend travel bag and it has not quit on me yet.

These little New Look booties were an interesting purchase for me. Nothing would ever cause me to buy satin shoes normally and I was very convinced upon their arrival that they'd be too small but alas they fit. After the hype has been and gone it seems I have finally got into peep-toe boots. I'm not a huge fan of toes (especially my own) hence my reservations but I have to say they do give life to the outfit. And even though taking them off is a bit weird they're surprisingly comfortable to wear.


So what are your thoughts on this season's bright summer colours Tall Girls? Have you been brave enough to add any yellow to your wardrobe?


Outfit Details:

  • Ruffle Mesh T-shirt by Topshop (no longer sold). I wore a size 8
  • High-waisted shorts by H&M - £17.99. I wore a size 10 (but they're a little big)
  • Black Satin Peep Toe Heeled Boots by NewLook - £34.99. I wore a size 8.
  • Black faux leather duffle bag - Primark (no longer sold).
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