How to live free in a tall tennis skirt

Hey honeys,  

Who’s is enjoying the heatwave and not complaining about it? I hope you all have your hands raised! Gotta make the most of summer while it’s here so slap on the sunscreen and bask my love!


This posts outfit is a summery one with a wimbledon-inspired vibe. I love wearing light colours and pastels during summer as well as bold bright colours! 


The shirt is from H&M I got it during the sale for £10. I like it but it’s surprisingly hard to match with things particularly if it’s not summer I haven’t found a cardigan that goes with it yet because it’s oversized and the kind of sleeves it has.

The skirt is from & other stories, who are doing top and jumpers with quite long sleeves at the moment by the way. 


It’s pretty simple, good quality fabric and sits on your bum really nicely. I think round bum or smaller flatter bum this skirt will look really nice on you. I feel like that’s sacrilege to say right now, I know it’s all about the bum but (um surprise) it actually isn’t! Your body is way more than your bum and so are you. We are so varied as a species and so is our beauty. Remember there are no real rules, it’s all made up friend. You are beautiful whether you’re getting the social media approval or not.


I like the whole look together, it’s sweet and simple which is sometimes great for summer. Whack something on, feel good about yourself and get out there and enjoy!


I have had the BEST weekend by the way on an island by Portsmouth, a big chunk of which involved looking after little kids. From watching them dancing and jumping to a song sung by a man with a guitar, I realised they have it so right. They just enjoy themselves, look for way to have fun and don’t worry about who’s watching them do it. They’re free. 


I learnt so much from that. it really got me thinking and so I’ll pose the question to you. What would you wear or how would you live even if you weren’t bothered about who was watching? And I don’t mean that kind of confidence these days where you spend all your time shouting about how great you are and how much you don’t care about others. That seems kind of ingenuine (hope that’s a word) at times and is easy to do. Everybody’s doing it. 

I mean that childlike freedom. What is your equivalent of dancing and jumping along to music on a guitar. Let me know in the comments below and then live it.
