How to dress for ‘Its kinda warm, kinda cold, I'm confused’ weather... part 1


Evening edition. The summer to autumn transition weather is a confusing one for us all. The weather’s moving on but we’re not quite there yet; the air is still kind of humid most days but not warm and evenings are still kind of long but as soon as its dark its cold - stress. It’s easy to get excited about winter fashion and start wearing it now but let’s be real there is no need to rush in the UK. It’ll go on for ages no doubt so lets enjoy that tiny bit of warmth left in the air.


I think the really warm golden colour is perfect for this in-between season, although to be honest I wear pretty much all colours all year round - if I like it, I try to wear it. The material is quite light; perfect for going out to a bar. Something breathable is always good in hot and crowded places.


I haven’t spotted a playsuit I’ve liked (and that wasn’t too short for me) in a couple years. Okay, to be fair I hadn’t even been looking ahaha but this one caught my eye!

I like the long shorts on it - finding the right length playsuit is important. Working to keep your bum from falling full force out of the bottom because the shorts just aren’t doing much lengthwise is not the one. Neither is crotch strangulation if you’re torso is too long for your garment.


This playsuit with its lightly draping fit and longer swinging shorts means you can move around freely in it which is great because I want to be comfortable. To be able to run, jump, roll down a hill, swing from a tree, you know, whatever. It also gives off both a dress and a playsuit look, I love a good two in one.

And for when the sun’s gone down, pop a leather jacket on and BOOM, you’re good.
